Xbox one X VS Playstation 4 Pro

With the new rival PS4 pro is taking a beating with more powerful opponent the Xbox one x, Microsoft reveal theirs new console at E3 2017, It is the most powerful console at this moment. Is power all you need or a better and more content?

We all know that the PC master is all about power speed and stability from the fastest ssd-drive to the powerful graphic card that can handle 144Hz monitor in 1440P or higher resolutions, And the only things that i and the most of us chose to play on an console is definitely because the couch the big screen tv and the exclusive title that's all.

Both Consoles can output sub-4K and both have High dynamic range (HDR) support but the X1X (Xbox One X) have something that PS4 pro don't have and that is 4K HDR Blu-ray drive and it is very small and it have vapour-chamber cooling, this is very nice for the people who have 4K and HDR tv's, or just for the future when 4K HDR tv's are affordable, but! the PS4 pro have more content and exclusive coming up, So what will you choose the more power or the more content and better exclusive?.

For the PS4 pro is just around $399 Maybe less and the Xbox one X is around $499 is pricey but here's why,

